[사건의내막 / 문홍철 기자] = 국토교통부가 한-카자흐스탄 간 항공회담에서 양국간 운수권 증대에 합의했다.
국토부는 지난 20∼21일(현지시간) 카자흐스탄 알마티에서 열린 한·카자흐스탄 항공회담에서 양국 간 운수권 증대에 합의했다고 22일 밝혔다.
이날 회의에는 한국 측 김영국 항공정책관, 카자흐 측 살타낫 톰피예바(Saltanat Tompiyeva) 민간항공위원장이 수석대표로 참석했다.
이번 합의에 따라 그간 주 1450석(현재 아시아나 운항좌석수 기준 주 5회)으로 제한됐던 여객 운수권을 횟수제로 변경하고, 인천-알마티 노선은 주 7회까지, 인천-알마티 노선을 제외한 전 노선은 주 14회까지 증대(총 주 21회)한다.
양국 간 화물 운수권은 주 20회 신설하기로 했다.
또 운수권 증대와 동시에 운수권의 설정형식을 ‘좌석수제’에서 ‘운항횟수제’로 변경한다.
좌석수제는 양국 지정항공사가 공급할 수 있는 주 단위 총 좌석수 설정 방식을, 운항횟수제는 양국 지정항공사가 기종에 상관없이 운항할 수 있는 주 단위 총 운항횟수 설정 방식을 말한다.
이를통해 항공사들의 효율적인 기재 운용이 가능해질 것으로 예상된다고 국토부는 설명했다.
이와 함께, 상대국 내 목적지 개수 제한과 취항 가능 항공사 개수 제한도 폐지해, 항공사들이 수요에 맞춰 보다 자유롭게 운항할 수 있는 여건을 마련했다.
김영국 국토부 항공정책관은 “이번 항공회담을 통해 여객·화물 운수권의 대폭 증대로 여러 국적 항공사들이 취항할 수 있는 기회가 마련됐으며, 기업인 및 여행자 등 항공교통 이용객 편의와 경제협력이 더욱 확대될 것으로 기대된다”고 밝혔다.
*아래는 위 기사를'구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의[전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Korea-Kazakhstan skyway widens... Up to 21 passenger flights per week
Agreement to increase passenger and cargo transportation rights... “Opportunity to operate with multiple national airlines”
[Inside story of the incident / Reporter Moon Hong-cheol] = The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport agreed to increase transportation rights between the two countries during aviation talks between Korea and Kazakhstan.
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport announced on the 22nd that at the Korea-Kazakhstan aviation meeting held in Almaty, Kazakhstan on the 20th and 21st (local time), an agreement was reached to increase transportation rights between the two countries.
The meeting was attended by Kim Young-guk, director of aviation policy on the Korean side, and Saltanat Tompiyeva, head of the Civil Aviation Committee on the Kazakh side, as chief representatives.
According to this agreement, passenger transportation rights, which were previously limited to 1,450 seats per week (5 times a week based on the current number of Asiana flight seats), were changed to a frequency system, with the Incheon-Almaty route up to 7 times a week and all routes except the Incheon-Almaty route being operated weekly. Increase to 14 times (total 21 times a week).
It was decided to establish new cargo transportation rights between the two countries 20 times a week.
In addition, at the same time as the increase in transportation rights, the format of transportation rights is changed from ‘seat number system’ to ‘flight number system’.
The seat number system refers to a method of setting the total weekly number of seats that the designated airlines of both countries can supply, and the number of flights system refers to a method of setting the total weekly number of flights that the designated airlines of both countries can operate regardless of aircraft type.
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport explained that this is expected to enable airlines to operate their equipment more efficiently.
In addition, restrictions on the number of destinations in the other country and restrictions on the number of airlines that can serve were abolished, creating conditions for airlines to operate more freely according to demand.
Kim Young-guk, director of aviation policy at the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, said, “Through this aviation summit, an opportunity has been created for several national airlines to operate due to a significant increase in passenger and cargo transportation rights, and it is expected that convenience and economic cooperation for air transportation users such as businessmen and travelers will be further expanded. “It will happen,” he said.
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