[사건의내막/문홍철 기자] = 지난 8일까지 추가된 생산단계·유통단계 수산물 각각 61건과 68건에 대한 방사능 검사 결과, 모두 적합한 것으로 나타났다.
송명달 해양수산부 차관은 9일 일본 후쿠시마 원전 오염수 방류 관련 서면 브리핑에서 수산물 안전관리 현황에 대해 이같이 밝혔다.
또 5일 실시된 일본산 수입 수산물 22건에 대한 검사 결과, 방사능이 검출된 수산물은 없는 것으로 확인됐다.
아울러 국내산 고등어 2건을 대상으로 삼중수소 모니터링도 실시, 모두 불검출된 것으로 확인됐다고 송 차관은 전했다.
일본 이바라기현 기시마항에서 입항된 선박 1척에 대한 선박평형수 조사 결과, 이 또한 방사능이 검출되지 않은 것으로 조사됐다.
이날 기준, 추가로 조사가 완료된 제주 중문색달·함덕 등 해수욕장 2곳 역시 모두 안전한 수준으로 확인됐다.
이와 함께 해수부는 해양방사능 긴급조사를 위해 남서해역 3개 지점에 대한 시료 분석을 실시했다.
분석 결과에 따르면 세슘134는 리터당 0.067 베크렐 미만에서 0.075 베크렐 미만, 세슘137은 리터당 0.070 베크렐 미만에서 0.079 베크렐 미만, 삼중수소는 모두 리터당 6.4 베크렐 미만인 것으로 나타났다.
송 차관은 이에 대해 “WHO 먹는 물 기준 대비 훨씬 낮은 수준”이라며 “방류 이후에도 우리 바다는 안전한 것으로 확인되고 있다”고 전했다.
한편 김성규 원자력안전위원회 방사선방재국장은 “일본 측이 공표하는 후쿠시마 인근 해역 데이터를 지속해서 모니터링하고 있다”며 “확인되는 데이터는 향후에도 브리핑을 통해 전달하겠다”고 밝혔다.
*아래는 위 기사를'구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의[전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
61 and 68 radioactivity tests on marine products in production and distribution stages... “All suitable”
No radioactivity was detected in 22 imported seafood products from Japan conducted on the 5th.
[Inside story of the incident/Reporter Moon Hong-cheol] = As of the 8th, the radioactivity test results for 61 and 68 cases of production and distribution stage marine products, respectively, were found to be suitable.
Song Myung-dal, Vice Minister of Oceans and Fisheries, said this about the status of seafood safety management in a written briefing on the discharge of contaminated water from Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant on the 9th.
Additionally, as a result of the inspection of 22 imported fishery products from Japan conducted on the 5th, it was confirmed that none of the fishery products had radioactivity detected.
In addition, tritium monitoring was conducted on two cases of domestic mackerel, and it was confirmed that none of them were detected, Vice Minister Song reported.
As a result of examining the ballast water of one ship that entered the port of Kishima, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, it was also found that no radioactivity was detected.
As of this day, the two beaches in Jeju, including Jungmun Saekdal and Hamdeok, where additional investigations were completed, were also confirmed to be at a safe level.
In addition, the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries conducted sample analysis at three locations in the southwestern sea area for an emergency survey of marine radioactivity.
According to the analysis results, cesium 134 was found to be less than 0.067 becquerel to less than 0.075 becquerel per liter, cesium 137 was less than 0.070 becquerel to less than 0.079 becquerel per liter, and tritium was found to be less than 6.4 becquerel per liter.
Regarding this, Vice Minister Song said, “The level is much lower than the WHO drinking water standards,” and added, “It has been confirmed that our seas are safe even after the discharge.”
Meanwhile, Kim Seong-gyu, Director of the Radiation and Disaster Prevention Department of the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission, said, “We are continuously monitoring the data on the sea area near Fukushima announced by the Japanese side,” and added, “Confirmed data will be communicated through briefings in the future.”
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