[사건의내막 / 문홍철 기자] = 정부는 10조 원 규모의 증안펀드 등 시장안정 조치를 언제든 가동할 수 있도록 준비하고, 40조 원 규모의 채권시장 안정펀드와 회사채·CP 매입 프로그램을 최대한 가동해 안정을 유지하기로 했다.
금융위원회는 4일 김병환 금융위원장 주재로 금융감독원장, 금융공공기관 등 유관기관장 및 금융협회장들과 금융상황 점검회의를 열어 시장상황을 점검하고 향후 대응과제를 논의했다고 밝혔다.
김 위원장은 모두발언에서 “현재 외환시장 및 해외한국주식물 시장은 점차 안정된 모습을 찾아가고 있다”고 밝히면서 “다만, 금융시장의 변동성이 확대될 우려가 있는 만큼 금융당국은 정책금융기관, 금융유관기관, 금융협회들과 함께 금융시장의 불안 확산을 방지하고, 금융시장이 정상적, 안정적으로 작동할 수 있도록 가능한 모든 조치를 하겠다”고 강조했다.
아울러 “오늘 아침 긴급 거시경제·금융현안 간담회에서 당분간 주식·채권·단기자금·외화자금시장이 완전히 정상화할 때까지 유동성을 무제한으로 공급하기로 했다”고 덧붙였다.
또한 “증시는 10조 원 규모의 증안펀드 등 시장안정조치가 언제든 즉시 가동될 수 있도록 준비하고, 채권시장·자금시장은 모두 40조 원 규모의 채권시장 안정펀드와 회사채·CP 매입 프로그램을 최대한 가동해 안정을 유지하겠다”고 밝혔다.
이어서 “금융회사의 외환 건전성을 면밀히 모니터링하면서 증권금융을 통한 외화유동성 공급 등을 통해 환율 상승에 따른 마진콜 위험 등에도 대응해 나가겠다”고 강조했다.
김 위원장은 또한 “정책금융기관들은 서민, 소상공인, 기업들의 자금조달에 애로가 발생하지 않도록 가용한 여력을 총동원해 자금공급에 적극적·탄력적으로 대응해 주기 바란다”고 당부하고 “거래소 등 증권유관기관들은 투자심리 안정 노력과 함께 주가조작, 공시위반, 시세조종 등 시장질서 교란행위를 차단할 수 있도록 역량을 집중해 주기 바란다”고 덧붙였다.
더불어 “각 금융협회는 금융회사들이 발생가능한 리스크를 촘촘히 점검하고, 건전성 강화와 충분한 외화유동성을 확보할 수 있도록 적극 독려해 달라”고 말했다.
이어서 “금융시장 변동성이 큰 상황에서는 작은 사고나 사건도 시장에 불안을 증폭시킬 수 있는 만큼 각종 금융사고나 해킹·정보유출 등 보안사고가 발생하지 않도록 내부통제시스템을 체크하고 특히, 금융보안원에서는 금융시스템에 보안 사각지대가 없도록 전 금융권의 전산 보안체계를 일제히 점검해 주기 바란다”고 밝혔다.
김 위원장은 이와 함께 “정부와 관계기관은 금융시장을 실시간 모니터링하고 시장안정을 위한 모든 조치를 신속히 단행하겠다”고 강조했다.
*아래는 위 기사를'구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의[전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Government prepares to immediately launch market stabilization measures including 10 trillion won stock stabilization fund
Bond market and money market to launch 40 trillion won stock stabilization fund to the maximum extent
[Inside Story / Reporter Moon Hong-chul] = The government is preparing to launch market stabilization measures such as 10 trillion won stock stabilization fund at any time, and decided to launch 40 trillion won stock stabilization fund and corporate bond and CP purchase program to the maximum extent to maintain stability.
On the 4th, the Financial Services Commission announced that it held a financial situation review meeting presided over by Financial Services Commission Chairman Kim Byung-hwan with the Financial Supervisory Service Governor, heads of related institutions such as financial public institutions, and heads of financial associations to review the market situation and discuss future response tasks.
Chairman Kim stated in his opening remarks that “the current foreign exchange market and overseas Korean stock market are gradually finding stability,” and emphasized that “however, as there are concerns that the volatility of the financial market will increase, the financial authorities will take all possible measures together with policy finance institutions, financial institutions, and financial associations to prevent the spread of instability in the financial market and ensure that the financial market operates normally and stably.”
He also added that “at the emergency macroeconomic and financial issue meeting this morning, we decided to supply unlimited liquidity until the stock, bond, short-term fund, and foreign currency fund markets are completely normalized.”
He also stated that “the stock market will be prepared so that market stabilization measures such as the 10 trillion won stock stabilization fund can be activated immediately at any time, and the bond market and money market will be stabilized by fully operating the 40 trillion won bond market stabilization fund and corporate bond and CP purchase programs.”
He continued, “We will closely monitor the foreign exchange soundness of financial companies and respond to margin call risks due to the rise in the exchange rate by providing foreign currency liquidity through securities finance.”
Chairman Kim also asked, “I hope that policy finance institutions will actively and flexibly respond to the supply of funds by mobilizing all available resources so that ordinary citizens, small business owners, and companies do not experience difficulties in raising funds,” and added, “I hope that securities-related institutions such as the stock exchange will focus their capabilities on stabilizing investment sentiment and blocking market order disruptions such as stock price manipulation, disclosure violations, and price manipulation.”
He also said, “I hope that each financial association will closely inspect the possible risks that financial companies may face and actively encourage them to strengthen their soundness and secure sufficient foreign currency liquidity.”
He continued, “In a situation where financial market volatility is high, even small accidents or incidents can increase market anxiety, so we need to check the internal control system to prevent various financial accidents or security accidents such as hacking and information leaks, and in particular, we need the Financial Security Institute to simultaneously inspect the computer security systems of all financial institutions to ensure that there are no security blind spots in the financial system.”
Chairman Kim also emphasized, “The government and related organizations will monitor the financial market in real time and swiftly take all measures to stabilize the market.”