[사건의내막 / 문홍철기자] = 중앙사고수습본부는 지난 29일(일) 9시 3분경 무안공항에서 발생한 제주항공 2216편(방콕-무안) 사고와 관련해 30일 9시 30분 기준으로 인명피해가 탑승객 총 181명 중 부상 2명, 사망 179명으로 전원 확인됐다고 사고수습상황을 밝혔다.
또한 사망자 중 141명의 신원 확인을 완료했고, 38명은 DNA분석 및 지문 채취를 통해 검찰청과 국과수에서 신원을 확인 중인 것으로 전했다.
더불어 신원이 확인된 희생자는 유가족과 협의하여 장례식장으로 이송할 예정이다.
수습본부에 따르면 사고조사 관련해서 항공철도사고조사위원회에서 탑재용 항공일지 등 사고 증거자료를 추가 회수하였고, 증거자료 분석 등 사고 조사에 본격 착수했다는 것이다.
또한 수거된 블랙박스는 오늘 오전 김포공항 시험분석센터로 이송하여 분석 가능여부를 우선 확인하고 있으며, 사고조사 관련 NTSB(미 교통안전위원회) 참여, 보잉(제작사)·CFMI(엔진제작사) 등의 참여를 협의중으로 전했다.
특히 오늘 중으로 관제교신자료 확인 및 관련 관제사 면담·상황확인 등을 진행할 예정이다.
한편 사고가 발생한 .29일 밤 10시 30분 부터 무안공항 관리동 3층에 국토교통부·행정안전부·국방부·보건복지부·경찰청·소방청·전남도·광주시·무안군·공항공사·항공사 등 관계기관 합동으로 「제주항공 여객기 사고 재난피해자 통합지원센터」를 구축·운영 중임도 밝혔다.
지원센터는 총괄상황반, 유가족지원반, 사고수습반, 법률·보험지원반, 지역언론대응반 등 5개반으로 구성돼 사고수습 상황 브리핑, 유가족 대표 면담, 사망자별 신원확인 및 유가족 알림, 장례 절차 안내, 비상물품 지원 등 유가족 지원에 만전을 기하고 있다고 전했다.
*아래는 위 기사를'구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의[전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Jeju Air passenger plane accident: 2 injured, 179 dead, all confirmed among 181 passengers
Central Accident Response Headquarters, Jeju Air passenger plane accident disaster victim integrated support center in operation
[Inside story / Reporter Moon Hong-chul] = The Central Accident Response Headquarters announced that, as of 9:30 on the 30th, all casualties were confirmed among 181 passengers on board the Jeju Air Flight 2216 (Bangkok-Muan) accident that occurred at Muan Airport at around 9:03 on the 29th (Sunday), with 2 injured and 179 dead.
In addition, it was reported that 141 of the deceased have been identified, and the identities of 38 are being confirmed by the prosecution and the National Forensic Service through DNA analysis and fingerprint collection.
In addition, the victims whose identities have been confirmed will be transferred to the funeral home in consultation with their bereaved families.
According to the Rescue Headquarters, the Aviation and Railway Accident Investigation Committee has additionally recovered accident evidence, such as the onboard flight log, and has begun full-scale investigation into the accident, including analysis of the evidence.
In addition, the collected black box was transferred to the Gimpo Airport Test and Analysis Center this morning to first determine whether it can be analyzed, and it was reported that the NTSB (US National Transportation Safety Board) and Boeing (manufacturer) and CFMI (engine manufacturer) are in discussions regarding the participation of the accident investigation.
In particular, the plan is to conduct confirmation of air traffic control communication data, interviews with related air traffic controllers, and situation confirmation by today.
In the meantime, it was also revealed that the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Ministry of the Interior and Safety, Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Health and Welfare, National Police Agency, National Fire Agency, Jeollanam-do Province, Gwangju City, Muan County, Airport Corporation, and the airline have been jointly establishing and operating the "Jeju Air Passenger Plane Accident Disaster Victim Integrated Support Center" on the 3rd floor of the Muan Airport Management Building since 10:30 PM on the 29th, the day the accident occurred.
The support center is composed of five teams: the General Situation Team, the Bereaved Family Support Team, the Accident Response Team, the Legal and Insurance Support Team, and the Local Media Response Team. They said they are doing their best to support the bereaved families, including briefings on the accident response situation, interviews with bereaved family representatives, identification of the deceased and notification of bereaved families, guidance on funeral procedures, and support of emergency supplies.
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