▲ 윤석열 대통령이 21일 서울 종로구 헌법재판소에서 열린 윤석열 대통령 탄핵심판 3차 변론기일에 출석하고 있다. 2025.01.21 © <사진제공=뉴시스>
[사건의내막 / 문홍철 기자] = 황정아 더불어민주당 대변인은 오늘 1월 22일 브리핑에서 “부인하고 도망치는 피의자 윤석열, 이렇게 구차하고 비겁할 수는 없다”고 밝혔다.
황정아 대변인은 “헌법재판소에 출석한 내란수괴 윤석열은 구차하고 비겁했다”면서 “애초에 반성을 기대하지도 않았지만 시종일관 명백한 증거마저 부정하며 억지 변명만 늘어놓았다”고 덧붙였다.
이어 황정아 대변인은 “수방사령관, 특전사령관에게 의원을 끌어내라고 지시한 사실이 없다, 국회 무력화 시도의 핵심 쟁점인 ‘비상입법기구’도 ‘나는 모르는 일이다’라며 책임 회피를 위해 몸부림쳤다”고 날을 세웠다.
또한 황정아 대변인은 “온 국민이 윤석열의 계엄 선포를 똑똑히 보았는데, 이제 와서 자신은 허수아비였다고 말하는 것입니까?”라면서 “지시를 받은 사람은 있는데, 명령을 한 사람은 없다는 궤변을 믿으라는 말입니까?”라고 비판의 목소리를 높였다.
황정아 대변인은 “모든 혐의를 부인하고 아랫사람들에게 책임을 떠미는 윤석열의 구차하고 치졸한 모습은, 최소한 자신이 벌인 일은 인정하길 바란 기대마저 산산조각 냈다”고 평가했다.
그리고 황정아 대변인은 “더욱이 윤석열은 헌재 출석 이후 공수처 수사를 회피하고자, 헌재에서 나와 국군병원으로 도피했다”면서 “대통령의 지위를 이용해 수사와 재판을 쇼핑하듯 하겠다는 것”이라고 지적했다.
황정아 대변인은 “이렇게 비루한 행태를 보이려고, 군대를 동원해 헌정질서를 전복하려고 했습니까?”라면서 “구차함과 비겁함의 극치이다”고 일침을 쏟아냈다.
한편 황정아 대변인은 “윤석열의 헌법·법치 농락을 더 이상 두고 볼 수 없다”면서 “윤석열에 대한 신속한 사법적 처리만이 국가 정상화를 앞당기는 길이다”라며 “헌법재판소에 신속한 탄핵 심판을 요청한다”고 밝혔다.
*아래는 위 기사를'구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의[전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Hwang Jeong-ah: “Suspect Yoon Seok-yeol, who denies and runs away, cannot be this pathetic and cowardly”
“I didn’t expect him to reflect in the first place, but he consistently denied clear evidence and made excuses.”
[Inside Story / Reporter Moon Hong-chul] = Hwang Jeong-ah, spokesperson for the Democratic Party of Korea, stated in a briefing today, January 22, “Suspect Yoon Seok-yeol, who denies and runs away, cannot be this pathetic and cowardly.”
Spokesperson Hwang Jeong-ah added, “The insurgent Yoon Seok-yeol, who appeared before the Constitutional Court, was pathetic and cowardly,” and “I didn’t expect him to reflect in the first place, but he consistently denied clear evidence and made excuses.”
Spokesperson Hwang Jeong-ah continued, “There is no fact that the commander of the Defense Defense Command or the commander of the Special Forces Command ordered the lawmakers to be dragged out. The ‘emergency legislative body,’ which is the core issue in the attempt to neutralize the National Assembly, also struggled to avoid responsibility by saying, ‘I don’t know about it.’”
Spokesperson Hwang Jeong-ah also raised her voice in criticism, saying, “The entire nation clearly saw Yoon Seok-yeol’s declaration of martial law, so now he is saying that he was a puppet?” and “Are you telling us to believe the sophistry that there were people who received orders, but no one gave the orders?”
Spokesperson Hwang Jeong-ah evaluated, “Yoon Seok-yeol’s petty and petty behavior of denying all charges and shifting responsibility to his subordinates has shattered even the hope that he would at least admit to what he did.” And Spokesperson Hwang Jeong-ah pointed out, “Furthermore, after appearing at the Constitutional Court, Yoon Seok-yeol tried to avoid the investigation by the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials by leaving the Constitutional Court and fleeing to the Armed Forces Hospital,” and “He is trying to use his position as the president to shop around the investigation and trial.”
Spokesperson Hwang Jeong-ah asked, “Did he try to overthrow the constitutional order by mobilizing the military to show such a mean behavior?” and criticized him, saying, “This is the height of pettiness and cowardice.”
Meanwhile, Spokesperson Hwang Jeong-ah stated, “We can no longer tolerate Yoon Seok-yeol’s trolling of the constitution and the rule of law,” and “Only a swift judicial process against Yoon Seok-yeol is the way to bring about the normalization of the country,” and “We request the Constitutional Court to conduct a swift impeachment trial.”
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