[사건의내막/박연파 기자] = ‘2024년도 환경교육도시’에 충청북도, 충청남도, 서울 은평구·서대문구, 경기 양평군, 경남 김해시 등 6곳이 선정됐다.
환경부는 전국 지자체를 대상으로 올해 환경교육도시를 공모해 광역지자체 2곳과 기초지자체 4곳 총 6곳을 선정했다고 2일 밝혔다.
이번 환경교육도시 공모는 지난 3월 25일부터 4월 8일까지 진행해 12곳의 지자체(광역 3곳, 기초 9곳)가 신청했다.
평가는 환경교육 추진 기반, 환경교육 성과, 환경교육 계획의 우수성 등을 중점으로 이뤄졌으며 교육, 환경교육, 환경행정 전문가 등으로 구성된 평가위원들이 서류와 현장 평가를 거쳐 환경교육위원회에서 최종 결정했다.
▲ 2024년 환경교육도시 지자체별 우수한 점(자료=환경부) ©
이번에 선정된 6곳의 지자체들은 지역 환경교육 활성화 조례, 자체 환경교육 계획 수립 및 이행, 지역환경교육센터의 운영 활성화 등 전반적으로 환경교육 기반을 잘 갖추고 있다.
또한 환경교육도시 운영을 통해 탄소중립을 실현하려는 지자체장의 의지도 매우 높았다.
환경부는 환경교육도시가 지역 주도의 환경교육 활성화의 본보기로 발전할 수 있도록 지정 기간인 내년부터 오는 2027년까지 전문가 상담(컨설팅) 및 환경교육도시 간 상호 협력 기회를 제공하고 환경교육토론회(포럼)를 통해 우수 성과를 전국에 알릴 예정이다.
환경교육도시 지정은 환경교육의 활성화 및 지원에 관한 법률에 따라 지난 2022년도에 처음 도입했으며, 올해 지정된 6곳을 포함해 환경교육도시는 모두 19곳으로 늘어났다.
한명실 환경부 환경교육팀장은 “환경교육도시를 통해 지역으로부터 출발하는 환경교육의 활성화와 지역 주민의 실천형 환경교육 확산을 도모할 것”이라며 “올해 지정된 신규 환경교육도시가 지역 기반 탄소중립 실현의 좋은 본보기가 되기를 기대한다”고 말했다.
*아래는 위 기사를'구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의[전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
[Inside Story/Reporter Park Yeon-pa] = Six places including Chungcheongbuk-do, Chungcheongnam-do, Eunpyeong-gu and Seodaemun-gu in Seoul, Yangpyeong-gun in Gyeonggi-do, and Gimhae-si in Gyeongsangnam-do were selected as the ‘2024 Environmental Education City’.
The Ministry of Environment announced on the 2nd that it had selected a total of six places, including two metropolitan governments and four basic local governments, through a nationwide environmental education city competition this year.
This environmental education city competition was held from March 25 to April 8, and 12 local governments (three metropolitan governments and nine basic governments) applied.
The evaluation was focused on the foundation for environmental education promotion, environmental education performance, and excellence in environmental education plans, and the evaluation committee consisting of education, environmental education, and environmental administration experts reviewed documents and on-site evaluations, and the Environmental Education Committee made the final decision.
The six local governments selected this time have a well-established environmental education foundation, including regional environmental education activation ordinances, establishment and implementation of their own environmental education plans, and activation of the operation of regional environmental education centers.
In addition, the will of local government heads to achieve carbon neutrality through the operation of environmental education cities was also very strong.
The Ministry of Environment plans to provide expert consultation (consulting) and mutual cooperation opportunities between environmental education cities from next year to 2027, the designated period, so that environmental education cities can develop into models of regional-led environmental education activation, and to publicize excellent results nationwide through environmental education forums.
The designation of environmental education cities was first introduced in 2022 in accordance with the Act on the Promotion and Support of Environmental Education, and including the six designated this year, the total number of environmental education cities has increased to 19.
Han Myeong-sil, head of the Ministry of Environment’s environmental education team, said, “We will promote environmental education starting from the region through environmental education cities and spread practical environmental education to local residents,” adding, “We hope that the new environmental education cities designated this year will become a good example of realizing carbon neutrality based on the region.”
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