[사건의내막 / 박연파 기자] = 낙동강유역 영천호·사연호를 비롯해 금강유역 용담호 등 3곳에서 발령된 조류경보제 ‘관심’ 단계가 지난 12일 오후 3시를 기준으로 해제되는 등 낙동강 녹조가 전반적으로 감소 추세를 보이고 있다.
다만 환경부는 낙동강유역 공산지에 신규로 ‘관심’ 단계를 발령해 현재 횡성호 등 5곳에서 ‘관심’ 단계가, 대청호 등 4곳에서 ‘경계’ 단계가 발령 중이라고 13일 밝혔다.
▲ 2024년 녹조중점관리방안(정보그림=환경부) ©
한편 강정고령 등 ‘경계’ 단계가 발령 중인 낙동강 하천구간 3지점에서는 녹조 발생이 감소했다. 3지점 모두 9일 기준으로 지난 2일에 비해 유해남조류 세포수가 크게 감소해 전반적으로 녹조가 줄어들고 있다.
현재 지자체는 친수구간에 대한 녹조 발생을 모니터링하고 있다.
먼저 서울시는 2016년부터 한강(잠실대교~행주대교)에서 조류경보제를 운영하고 있으며 부산시, 대전시와 경상북도는 올해 6월부터 낙동강 3지점과 금강 1지점에도 확대해 시범운영 중이다.
또한 시도지사는 물환경보전법에 따라 친수구간에서 관심 단계 발령 시 현수막 설치 등을 통해 수상스키, 수영 등 친수활동을 자제하도록 권고하고, 경계 단계 발령시에는 친수활동을 금지하도록 공지하고 있다.
한편 낙동강유역 친수구간 중에서는 부산 사상구 소재 삼락수상레포츠타운 등 2곳에서 9월 9일 기준으로 유해 남조류 세포수가 관심 단계 수준으로 감소한 것으로 나타났다.
김종률 환경부 물환경정책관은 “낙동강에 녹조는 전반적으로 줄어들었지만 여전히 수온이 높고 9월 기온도 평년보다 높을 것으로 예상되어 지속적으로 녹조가 발생할 전망”이라며 “9월에도 녹조 저감 및 취·정수장 관리를 통해 먹는물과 친수구간 안전을 위해 최선을 다하겠다”고 강조했다.
*아래는 위 기사를'구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의[전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Nakdong River green algae overall decrease… Algae warning system ‘concern’ level lifted
Nakdong River basin public land, new ‘concern’ level issued… Local governments monitor green algae occurrence
[Inside Story / Reporter Park Yeon-pa] = The ‘concern’ level of the algae warning system issued in three places, including Yeongcheon Lake and Sayeon Lake in the Nakdong River basin and Yongdam Lake in the Geumgang River basin, was lifted as of 3:00 PM on the 12th, indicating an overall decrease in green algae in the Nakdong River.
However, the Ministry of Environment announced on the 13th that a new ‘concern’ level has been issued in the Nakdong River basin public land, and currently, the ‘concern’ level is issued in five places, including Hoengseong Lake, and the ‘warning’ level is issued in four places, including Daecheong Lake.
Meanwhile, green algae occurrence has decreased in three places in the Nakdong River section, including Gangjeong Goryeong, where the ‘warning’ level is issued. As of the 9th, the number of harmful blue-green algae cells in all three locations has decreased significantly compared to the previous 2 days, indicating an overall decrease in blue-green algae.
Currently, local governments are monitoring the occurrence of blue-green algae in waterside areas.
First, Seoul has been operating an algae warning system on the Han River (Jamsil Bridge to Haengju Bridge) since 2016, and Busan, Daejeon, and Gyeongsangbuk-do have been expanding the system to three locations on the Nakdong River and one location on the Geumgang River since June of this year and are conducting a pilot operation.
In addition, according to the Water Environment Conservation Act, when a level of concern is issued in a waterside area, the provincial governors recommend refraining from waterside activities such as water skiing and swimming by installing banners, and when a level of caution is issued, they announce a ban on waterside activities.
Meanwhile, among the waterside areas in the Nakdong River basin, the number of harmful blue-green algae cells in two locations, including Samrak Water Sports Town in Sasang-gu, Busan, has decreased to the level of concern as of September 9th.
Kim Jong-ryul, the director of the Ministry of Environment’s Water Environment Policy Bureau, emphasized, “Although the green algae in the Nakdong River has decreased overall, the water temperature is still high and the temperature in September is expected to be higher than average, so green algae is expected to continue to occur,” and “We will do our best to reduce green algae and manage water intake and purification plants in September to ensure the safety of drinking water and water-friendly areas.”
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